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Description: HUGE 160 ILLUMINATION BOOKS on DVD w/ 300+ IMAGES ANCIENT MEDIVAL ART MANUSCRIPT This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. ~ Titles Include ~ A ..... the arte of limming, which teacheth the order in drawing & tracing of letters, vinets, flowers, armes and imagery - R. Tottel 1573A Book of Good Cheer - The Garland Series, Buffalo The Hayes Lithographing CompanyA booke of Christmas carols, illuminated from ancient manuscripts in the British museum - Cundall, Joseph 1846A Bouquet of Rhymes for Children - A Randolph (c1909)A catalogue of manuscripts forming a portion of the library of Robert Hoe - R Hoe 1909A Catalogue of the early printed books and illuminated manuscripts collected - R. Bennett 1900A Christmas Carol - A. T. Crispin 1873A collection of choice manuscripts, incunables, books of hours, maps, music autographs, woodcut books 1909A collection of excessively rare books, letters and illuminated manuscripts ... to be sold December 14 and 15, 1909 - Anderson Galleries 1909A companion to Manual of illumination containing borders, capitals, texts, and detail finishings, & c - Laing, J 1884A descriptive and illustrated catalogue of miniature paintings of the Jaina Kalpasåutra as executed in the early western Indian style - W. N. Brown 1934A guide to the manuscripts, autographs, charters, seals, illuminations and bindings exhibited in the Department of Manuscripts 1899A guide to the manuscripts, autographs, charters, seals, illuminations and bindings exhibited in the Department of Manuscripts 1906A handbook of the art of illumination as practised during the middle ages. - Shaw, H 1866A history of miniature art with notes on collectors and collections - J Propert 1887A Lecture on some of the most characteristic features of Illuminated Manuscripts from the VIII. to the XVIII. century. - T Thompson1857A manual of illumination on paper and vellum - Bradley, John 1860A Practical Manual of Heraldry, and of Heraldic Illumination F J Baigent (1864)A practical treatise on the art of illuminating with examples M Ward 1873A primer of the art of illumination for the use of beginners - F Delamotte 1874A Roman alphabet and how to use it - F Frederick 1917A text-book of free-hand lettering - F Daniels 1909A textbook on lettering and sign painting 1902Ancient English Christmas carols 1400 to 1700 - E. Rickert 1910Aphorisms of the wise & good - S Stanesby 1862Aphorisms of the wise & good - T. Bessent 1862Arts and crafts in the middle ages - J. Addison 1914Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship - Addison, Julia de Wolf Gibbs 1908Becker's ornamental penmanship. A series of analytical and finished alphabets - G. J. Becker 1854Book bindings historical and decorative - Maggs Bros 1921Borders, initials, etc. from illuminated M.S.S - unknown author 1800Bulletin de la Société française de reproductions de manuscrits à peintures Vols. 1 - 2 - 1911Bulletin de la Société française de reproductions de manuscrits à peintures Vols. 3 - 4 - 1911Bulletin de la Société française de reproductions de manuscrits à peintures Vols. 5 - 6 - 1911Catalogue of 28 illuminated manuscripts and two illuminated printed books, the property of Henry Yates Thompson - Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge 1919Catalogue of a remarkable collection of rare and choice books, manuscripts, and autograph letters, by Rosenbach Company 1900Catalogue of a series of illuminations from mss. principally of the Italian and French schools - Burlington Fine Arts Club 1886Catalogue of an exhibition of illuminated and painted manuscripts - Grolier Club 1892Catalogue of an exhibition of illuminated and painted manuscripts, together with a few early printed books with illuminations - Grolier Club 1892Catalogue of an exhibition of illuminated manuscripts, principally Biblical and liturgical - John Rylands Library 1908Catalogue of fourteen illuminated manuscripts and fifteen early printed books (including five Pigouchet Horae on vellum) - Sotheby, Wilkinson Hodge 1921Catalogue of manuscripts - mostly illuminated, many in fine bindings, offered for sale by J. & J. Leighton, London 1900Catalogue of the library of printed books and illuminated & other important manuscripts of the late Henry White, by White Henry 1902Catalogue of the library of Robert Hoe of New York illuminated manuscripts, incunabula, historical bindings, Part 1 A-K - Hoe, Robert 1911Catalogue of the library of Robert Hoe of New York illuminated manuscripts, incunabula, historical bindings, Part 2 A-K - Hoe, Robert 1911Catalogue of the library of Robert Hoe of New York illuminated manuscripts, incunabula, historical bindings, Part 4 A-K - Hoe, Robert (1911)Celtic illuminative art in the gospel books of Durrow, Lindisfarne, and Kells - Robinson, S 1908Chateau de Chantilly le cabinet des livres du Musée Condé] cent reproductionsChurch decoration - a practical manual of appropriate ornamentation - unknown author 1860Der Sachsenspiegel Vol. 1 - 1934Der Sachsenspiegel Vol. 2 - 1934Des Priesters Wernher Drei Lieder von der Magd 1925Description des peintures et autres ornements conte nus dans les manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale - H. L. Bordier 1883Die deutsche Buchmalerei in ihren stilistischen Entwicklungsphasen; mit 6 Farbentafeln und 64 Abbildungen 1923Die Miniaturen der Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Heidelberg Vol. 1, - Gustav K. Heidelberg 1887Die Miniaturen der Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Heidelberg Vol. 2, - Gustav K. Heidelberg 1887Die Miniaturen des fruhen Mittelalters - H. Hieber 1912Die ottonische Kölner Buchmalerei ein beitrag zur entwicklungsgeschichte der frühmittelalterlichen kunst in Westdeutschland - H. Ehl 1922Early drawings and illuminations an introduction to the study of illustrated manuscripts- Birch, Walter de Gray 1879Early illustrated books; a history of the decoration and illustration of books in the 15th and 16th centuries - Pollard, A 1893Elementary instruction in The art of illuminating and missal painting on vellum a guide to modern illuminators - Laurent de Lara, D 1856Emblematic illumination; or, forms, colours, and emblems - Redgrave, F. M. 1862English illuminated manuscripts - Thompson, Edward Maunde, Sir 1895English minstrelsy - H. Abrahall 1860Examples of the art of book-illumination during the middle ages reproduced in facsimile - B. Quaritch 1889Exhibition of illuminated manuscripts - Burlington Fine Arts Club 1908Fac-similé de livres copiés et enluminés pour le roi Charles V 1903Facsimiles of choice examples selected from illuminated manuscripts, unpublished drawings and illustrated books of early date - Quartich, B 1890Fac-similes of the miniatures & ornaments of Anglo-Saxon & Irish manuscripts - Westwood, J 1868Free-hand Lettering - Victor Tyson Wilson 1912Guide for drawing the acanthus, and every description of ornamental foliage; - Page, J 1886Guide to the art of illuminating and missal painting - Audsley, W 1861Guide to the art of illuminating and missal painting - Audsley, W 1867he art of illumination and missal painting. A guide to modern illuminators. Illustrated by a series of specimens - H Humphreys 1849Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits - F. Denis 1857Illuminated Manuscripts - Bradley, John W. 1905Illuminated manuscripts - Herbert, J. A 1911Illuminated manuscripts - their origin, history and characteristics - E. Quaille 1897Illuminated manuscripts and bindings of manuscripts exhibited in the Grenville Library - British Museum 1923Illuminated Manuscripts Catalogue - Burlington Fine Arts Club 1874Illuminated Manuscripts In Classical And Mediaeval Times Their Art And Their Technique - Middleton, J 1892Illuminated Manuscripts Their Origin, History And Characteristics - Quaile, Edward 1897Illuminated Manuscripts With 21 Illus - John William Bradley 1909Illuminated manuscripts, - John A. Herbert 1911Illuminated manuscripts. ... With twenty-one illustrations - Bradley, J 1920Illuminated official programme of the autumnal festivities at St. Louis, Mo., 1886Illuminated ornaments selected from manuscripts and early printed books, from the sixth to the seventeenth centuries - Shaw, H 1833Illumination and its development in the present day - Farnsworth, Sidney 1922Illumination and its development in the present day - S Farnsworth 1922La miniature en Orient - Kühnel, Erns 192-Lapidario del rey d. Alfonso X; codice original 1881L'art de l'enluminure - métier, histoire, pratique - A. Labitte 1893Leaves from a Christmas bough - E. Bond 1867Les évangiles des dimanches et fêtes de l'année - Appendice - Catholic Church 1864Les evangiles des dimanches et fetes de l'annee (Volume 1) - Catholic Church 1864Les evangiles des dimanches et fetes de l'annee (Volume 2) - Catholic Church 1864Les manuscrits et la miniature - A. Lecoy de La Marche 1884Les miniaturistes français - H. Martin 1906Les peintres de manuscrits et la miniature en France étude critique - Martin, Henry 1909Lessons in the art of illuminating .. examples selected from works in the British Museum, Lambeth Palace Library, South Kensington Museum - Loftie, W 1880Manual of illuminated and missal painting - Jewitt, Edwin 1860Manuscrits sur velin avec miniatures du Xe au XVIe siècle, soigneusement décrits et mis en vente 1910Miniatures and borders from the Book of hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of Milan, in the British Museum 1894Miniaturmalerei im islamischen Orient - E. Kuhnel 1923Notice sur quelques beaux manuscrits à peintures conservés en Allemagne, by Bernath, Morton 1912Oeuvre de Jehan Foucquet. Heures de Maistre Estienne Chevalier; (Volume 1) - Fouquet, Jean 1866Oeuvre de Jehan Foucquet. Heures de Maistre Estienne Chevalier; (Volume 2) - Fouquet, Jean 1866Of the decorative illustration of books old and new - Crane, Walter 1905Of the tumbler of Our Lady & other miracles - A. Kemp-Welch 1908One hundred and eighty-eight manuscripts, bindings, books,...l written and illuminated in Spain (1365-1370) 1922One with Christ in glory. Thoughts on John XVII., ... Authorized version illuminated - Inglis, James 1871Palæography. Notes upon the history of writing and the medieval art of illumination - B. Quaritch 1894Plain words on the art and practice of illuminating - C Cooper 1868Poems from the works of Charles Cotton; newly decorated by Claud Lovat Fraser - Cotton, Charles 1922Poklad svatovítský a knihovna kapitulní 1903Portfolio of ancient capital letters, monograms, quaint design... eighteen plates 1859Printing and writing materials their evolution - Smith, Adele 1904Psalterium et cantica - some account of an illuminated psalter for the use of the convent of Saint Mary of the Virgins at Venice - W. Weale 1887Psautier dit de Lambert le Bègue 1285Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts. Fifty plates from mss. in the R. Medicean Laurentian library 1914Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts; ...from Mss. in the R. Medicean Laurentian Library 1914Schools of illumination; reproductions from Manuscripts in the British Museum Vol. 4 1914Schools of illumination; reproductions from Manuscripts in the British Museum Vol. 5 1914Some notes on early woodcut books, with a chapter on illuminated manuscripts - Morris, W 1902Songs of Shakespeare - W. Shakespeare 1865The art of illuminating as practiced in Europe from the earliest times - Tymms, W 1866The art of illumination and missal painting. A guide to modern illuminators. Illustrated by a series of specimens - H Humphreys 1849The bibliographical decameron; or, Ten days pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts Vol. 1 - T. Dibdin 1817The bibliographical decameron; or, Ten days pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts Vol. 2 - T. Dibdin 1817The bibliographical decameron; or, Ten days pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts Vol. 3 - T. Dibdin 1817The birthday souvenir - S Stanesby 1860The book of ballads - Martin, Theodore, Sir 1849The book of hours of Yolande of Flanders, a manuscript of the fourteenth century in the library of Henry Yates Thompson - S. Cockerell 1905The book of ornamental alphabets, ancient and modern (5th Edition) 1863The book of ornamental alphabets, ancient and modern 1859The child's illuminated prayer book a first book of prayers for children 1846The embroiderer's book of design - containing initials, emblems, ... ornamental borders, ... alphabets - F. Delamotte 1891The Floral gift an illuminated souvenir - Stanesby, Samuel 1860The Gorleston psalter, a manuscript of the beginning of the fourteenth century in the library of C.W. Dyson Perrins - S. Cockerell 1907The hand book of mediaeval alphabets and devices - Shaw, H 1856The history, theory, and practice of illuminating - Tymms, W 1861The illuminated Bible - containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out the original tongues, also, the Apocrypha - J. A. Adams 1846The illuminated book of needlework comprising knitting, netting, crochet, and embroidery - Stone, Elizabeth 1847The Illuminated Ladies Book - Mrs H Owen (1844)The illuminated manuscripts in the library of the Fitzwilliam museum, Cambridge - Cambridge. University 1876The miniature painting and painters of Persia, India and Turkey, from the 8th to the 18th century, Vol 1 - Fredrik R. Martin 1912The miniature painting and painters of Persia, India and Turkey, from the 8th to the 18th century, Vol 2 - Fredrik R. Martin 1912The miracles of Our Lord - H. N. Humphreys 1848The new illuminated Holy Bible self-pronouncing with marginal references and concordance.. 1897The Sermon on the Mount - Gospel of St. Matthew - O. Jones 1845The Sermon on the mount - T. Bessent 1850The seven champions of Christendom - R Johnson 1913The signist's book of modern alphabets, plain and ornamental, ancient and mediæval, from the eighth to the twentieth century, with numerals - F. Delamotte 1906The story of Kalaka - texts, history, legends, and miniature paintings of the Svetambara Jain hagiographical work, the Kalakacaryakatha - W. Brown 1933Three gems in one setting - A. L. Bond 1860Traité pratique de l'enluminure des livres d'heures, canons d'autel images et gravures felon la méthods des anciens d'apres les documents..... - K. Robert 1898Twelve parables of our Lord - illustrated and illuminated - H. R. McEniry 1870Twelve parables of our Lord illustrated and illuminated - McEniry, H. R 1870Valuable manuscripts of the Middle Ages, mostly illuminated with xvi plates - Emil Hirsch 19--Vaticanische miniaturen - S. Beissel 1893Writing & illuminating, & lettering - Johnston, E 1906 ...PLUS... OVER 300+ ILLUMINATION IMAGES included !!! WE SHIP ANYWHERE WORLDWIDE! Paypal is our preferred choice of payment. If you do not have a paypal account, the purchase can still be made without an account by using your credit card through Paypal's secure payment system. For other payment methods, please contact us and we will be open to discuss with you other alternatives. About this item: This item is delivered to you as a data CD or DVD disc(s). These CDs/DVDs are intended for the use in your PC/Macintosh computer. If your computer has a CD/DVD drive, it will be able to open the files on the disc(s). Each and every single page of our rare and historical books are carefully scanned and compiled into digital format for your viewing pleasure. This digital format is known as Adobe PDF and most computers already have the software to view these files by default. PDF files are compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems. You are able to easily read, search, zoom/magify, flip through/jump to any page, and print any part or page(s) within the viewable book. Our CD/DVD disc(s) are brand new and delivered to you in a white CD/DVD sleeve with quality print on the disc(s). If you have any inquiries about this item, please feel free to contact us. You can use the "Ask a question" link located on the bottom of this page. ... Vintagephilia Thanks You Personally ... For all Vintage Lovers out there, thank you for keeping us in mind! We will continue our best efforts in preserving history one page at a time. Vintagephilia is here to bring you the rarest and hard to find historical memorabilia digitized for your viewing pleasures. We carry a vast line of products ranging from classic audio-books, historical literature, old time radio shows, rare films, old prints, antique artwork, and just about anything vintage-related! 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