Description: THE ANCIENT WRITING & CUNEIFORM COLLECTION~~~~~~~~ A truly unique and wonderful collection of over 190 rare, out-of-print books and documents compiled together for the first time on one USB flash drive covering all aspects of ANCIENT WRITING & CUNEIFORM TEXTS. This is an absolute must for anyone with an interest in cuneiform (one of the earliest known systems of writing), the civilizations of the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians, and their ancient sacred texts. Not only does this collection include books on how to decipher, read, and understand the ancient writings of these fascinating civilizations, it also includes translations of their ancient legends, tales and mythology as well as the detailed inscriptions found in temples, tombs, and on clay tablets and cylinders during excavations. Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material. The full list of titles included speaks for itself…. This fascinating compilation of 194 vintage books and documents provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. Most of the books are written in English but we’ve also included additional works in French and German. This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here! The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows: A chapter from the Babylonian books of private devotion - S. Langdon (1908)A classified list of all simple and compound Cuneiform ideographs, with their Assyro-Babylonian equivalents, phonetic values, etc. Vols. 1 & 2 - R. E. Brunnow (1889)A concise dictionary of the Assyrian language - Vols. 1 & 2 - W. Muss-Arnolt (1898)A guide to the Old Persian inscriptions - H. C. Tolman (1893)A Hebrew deluge story in cuneiform and other epic fragments in the Pierpont Morgan Library - A. T. Clay (1922)A history of the art of writing - W. A. Mason (1920)A study of the temple documents from the Cassite period - D. D. Luckenbill (1907)A Sumero-Babylonian sign list; to which is added an Assyrian sign list, and a catalogue of the numerals, weights and measures used at various periods - S. Mercer (1918)A system of accentuation for Sumero-Akkadian signs - C. E. Keiser (1919)Abridged grammars of the languages of the cuneiform inscriptions - G. Bertin (1888)An Assyrian doomsday book, or, Liber censualis of the district round Harran in the seventh century B.C. copied from the cuneiform tablets in the British Museum - C. H. Johns (1901)An Assyrian Grammar for comparative purposes - A. H. Sayce (1872)An Assyrian manual, for the use of beginners in the study of the Assyrian language - D. G. Lyon (1886)An elementary grammar; with full syllabary and progressive reading book, of the Assyrian language in the cuneiform type - A. H. Sayce (1875)Assyrian and Babylonian contracts, with Aramaic reference notes - J. H. Stevenson (1902)Assyrian and Babylonian letters belonging to the Kouyunjik collections of the British museum Vols. 1 - 14 - R. F. Harper (1892)Assyrian and Babylonian religious texts, being prayers, oracles, hymns, [etc.] copied from the original tablets preserved in the British Museum - J. Craig (1895)Assyrian deeds and documents recording the transfer of property Vols. 1 - 3 - C. H. Johns (1898)Assyrian dictionary intended to further the study of the cuneiform inscriptions of Assyria and Babylonia - E. Norris (1870)Assyrian grammar with chrestomathy and glossary - S. Mercer (1921)Assyrian grammar with paradigms, exercises, glossary and bibliography - F. Delitszch (1889)Assyrian language, easy lessons in the cuneiform inscriptions - L. W. King (1901)Assyrian personal names - K. L. Tallqvist (1914)Assyrian primer, an inductive method of learning the cuneiform characters - J. D. Prince (1909)Assyrische Lesestücke nach den originalen Theils revidirt Theils zum ersten Male hrsg. nebst Paradigmen, Schriftafel, Textanalyse, und kleinem Wörterbuch - F. Delitszch (1900)Assyrisches Handwörterbuch - F. Delitszch (1896)Babylonian and Assyrian literature - comprising the epic of Izdubar, hymns, tablets, and cuneiform inscriptions - E. Wilson (1901)Babylonian boundary-stones and memorial-tablets in the British Museum Vols. 1 & 2 - L. W. King (1912)Babylonian business documents of the classical period - E. Grant (1919)Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of James B. Nies, Yale University Vols. 1 & 2 - J. B. Nies (1917)Babylonian liturgies; Sumerian texts from the early period and from the library of Ashurbanipal - S. Langdon (1913)Babylonian magic and sorcery, being The prayers of the lifting of the hand, the cuneiform texts of a group of Babylonian and Assyrian incantations and magical formulae - L. W. King (1896)Babylonian records in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan Vols. 1 - 3 - A. T. Clay (1920)Babylonisch-Assyrische Grammatik; mit Übungsbuch (in Transskription) - A. Ungnad (1906)Business documents of the Hammurapi period, from the British Museum - L. Waterman (1916)Chinese and Sumerian - C. J. Ball (1913)Choix de textes cunéiformes inédits ou incomplétement publiés jusqu'à ce jour - F. Lenormant (1873)Choix de textes religieux assyro-babyloniens transcription, traduction, commentaire - E. Dhorme (1907)Chronology of the Larsa Dynasty - E. M. Grice (1919)Codex Ḫammurabi - E. Bergmann (1921)Cuneiform documents in the Smith college library - E. Grant (1918)Cuneiform inscriptions, Chaldean, Babylonian and Assyrian collections contained in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan - C. H. Johns (1908)Cuneiform parallels to the Old Testament - R. W. Rogers (1912)Cuneiform text of a recently discovered cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon - J. F. O'Conor (1885)Cuneiform texts from Cappadocian tablets in the British museum Pt. 1 (1921)Cuneiform texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art - A. B. Moldenke (1893)Cuneorum Clavis, the primitive alphabet and language of the ancient ones of the earth, by means of which can be read the Cuneiform Inscriptions on the stone tablets - D. H. Smith (1875)Cylinder A of the Esarhaddon inscriptions, transliterated and translated, with textual notes, from the original copy in the British museum - R. F. Harper (1888)Das Gilgamesch-Epos - A. Ungnad (1911)Die Akkadische Sprache, mit dem Keilschrifttexte des fünfspaltigen Vocabulars K. 4225 sowie zweier Fragmente der babylonischen Sintflutherzählung - P. Haupt (1883)Die assyrisch-babylonischen Keil-Inschriften und das Alte Testament - W. Nowack (1878)Die Inschriften von Fara, in Unschrift hrsg. und bearb. - A. Deimel (1922)Die Keilschrift - B. Meissner (1922)Die keilschrifttexte Sargons - H. Winckler (1889)Die Namen der Körperteile im Assyrisch-Babylonischen, eine lexikalisch-etymologische Studie - H. Holma (1911)Die sumerischen und akkadischen Königsinschriften - F. Thureau-Dangin (1907)Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon - A. H. Layard (1853)Documents juridiques de l'Assyrie et de la Chaldée - J. Oppert (1877)Documents religieux de l'Assyrie et de l'Assyrie et de la Babylonie, texte Assyrien - J. Halevy (1882)Early Babylonian letters from Larsa - H. F. Lutz (1917)Éléments d'épigraphie assyrienne - les écritures cunéiformes, exposé des travaux qui ont préparé la lecture et l'interprétation des inscriptions de la Perse et de l'Assyrie - J. Menant (1864)Épigraphes Araméens - étude des textes Araméens gravés ou écrits sur des tablettes cunéiformes - L. Delaporte (1912)Études cunéiformes - F. Lenormant (1878)Études sur la langue Sumérienne - P. Toscanne (1904)First steps in Assyrian - L. W. King (1898)Fresh light from the ancient monuments - a sketch of the most striking confirmations of the Bible from recent discoveries in Egypt, Palestine, Assyria, Babylonia, Asia Minor - A. H. Sayce (1892)Har-Moad or, The mountain of the assembly - a series of archaeological studies, chiefly from the stand-point of the cuneiform inscriptions - O. D. Miller (1892)Haverford Library Collection of cuneiform tablets or documents from the temple archives of Telloh Vols. 1 - 3 - G. A. Barton (1918)History of Assurbanipal - G. Smith (1871)History of Sennacherib - G. Smith (1878)Kleine sumerische Sparchlehre für Nichtassyriologen; Grammatik, Vokabular, Textproben - F. Delitzsch (1914)Late Babylonian letters; transliterations and translations of a series of letters written in Babylonian cuneiform - R. C. Thompson (1906)Lectures upon the Assyrian language, and syllabary - A. H. Sayce (1877)Les inscriptions cunéiformes urartiques transcrites avec une triple traduction interlinéaire en arménien classique, en latin et en français - J. Sandalgian (1900)Les Inscriptions de Sumer et D'Akkad - F. Thureau-Dangin (1905)Light on the Old Testament from Babel - A. T. Clay (1907)Materials for a Sumerian Lexicon - J. D. Prince (1908)Miscellaneous Assyrian texts of the British museum, with textual notes - S. A. Smith (1887)Miscellaneous Babylonian inscriptions - G. A. Barton (1918)Miscellaneous inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian Collection - A. T. Clay (1915)Neo-Babylonian letters from Erech - A. T. Clay (1918)New Light on the Bible and the Holy land, being an account of some recent discoveries in the East - B. Evetts (1893)Old Assyrian laws - K. L. Tallqvist (1921)Old Babylonian temple records - R. J. Lau (1906)On traces of an indefinite article in Assyrian - R. C. Thompson (1902)Oriental diplomacy, being the transliterated text of the Cuneiform Despatches between the Kings of Egypt and Western Asia in the XVth century BC, discovered at Tell el-Amarna - C. Bezold (1893)Patesis of the Ur dynasty - C. E. Keiser (1919)Personal names from cuneiform inscriptions of the Cassie Period Vol. 1 - A. T. Clay (1912)Recherches sur l'origine de l'écriture cunéiforme. 1re partie. Les formes archäiques et leurs équivalents modernes - F. Thureau-Dangin (1898)Records from Erech, time of Nabonidus (555-538 B.C.) - R. P. Dougherty (1920)Records from Ur and Larsa dated in the Larsa Dynasty Vol. 5 - E. M. Grice (1919)Records of the past - being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia Vols. 1 - 12 - A. H. Sayce (1901)Records of the reign of Tukulti-Ninib I, King of Assyria, about B.C. 1275 Vols. 1 & 2 - L. W. King (1904)Rituels Accadiens - F. Thureau-Dangin (1921)Selected Babylonian business and legal documents of the Hammurabi period - A. Ungnad (1907)Selected Babylonian kudurru inscriptions - W. J. Hinke (1911)Selected business documents of the Neo-Babylonian period - A. Ungnad (1908)Selected temple accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem - E. Chiera (1921)Selected temple documents of the Ur Dynasty - C. E. Keiser (1919)Sennacherib's campaign in Syria, Phnicia, and Palestine, according to his own annuals - Assyrian text and English translation - H. G. Kieme (1875)Some explanatory lists and grammatical texts - T. J. Meek (1920)Some Sumerian-Babylonian hymns of the Berlin collection transcribed and interpreted, with collation of the original tablets - M. I. Hussey (1907)Specimen chapters of an Assyrian grammar - E. Hincks (1866)Sumerian and Babylonian psalms - S. Langdon (1909)Sumerian and Semitic religious and historical texts Vol. 1 - S. Langdon (1923)Sumerian hymns from cuneiform texts in the British Museum - F. A. Vanderburgh (1908)Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John Rylands library, Manchester, transcribed, transliterated and translated - C. A. Bedale (1915)Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum Vols. 1 & 2 - M. I. Hussey (1912)Sumerisch-babylonische Tamzlieder - H. Zimmern (1907)Sumerisches Glossar - F. Delitzsch (1914)Syllabaire cunéiforme - C. Fossey (1901)Tablets from the Archives of Drehem; with a complete account of the origin of the Sumerian calendar - S. Langdon (1911)Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson collection in Haskell Oriental Museum - I. L. Holt (1911)Tablettes sumériennes archaïques; matériaux pour servir à l'histoire de la société sumérienne - H. de Genouillac (1909)Tammuz and Ishtar - a monograph upon Babylonian religion and theology containing extensive extracts from the Tammuz liturgies and all of the Arbela oracles - S. Langdon (1914)Texts in the Babylonian wedge-writing, autographed from the original documents; with a list of characters and their meanings - T. G. Pinches (1882)The Abu Habba cylinder of Nabuna'id - R. J. Lau (1905)The Amherst tablets; being an account of the Babylonian inscriptions in the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney - T. G. Pinches (1908)The Annals of Ashurbanapal - R. J. Lau (1903)The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptions - A. H. Sayce (1908)The Babylonian epic of creation restored from the recently recovered tablets of Assur - S. Langdon (1923)The Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A, Cuneiform texts (1893)The Babylonian story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish with an account of the Royal Libraries of Nineveh - E. A. Budge (1920)The Babylonian tablets of the Berens Collection - T. G. Pinches (1915)The Cappadocian cuneiform tablets - A. H. Sayce (1900)The Chaldean account of Genesis, containing the description of the creation, the fall of man, the deluge, the tower of Babel, the times of the patriarchs, etc. - G. Smith (1876)The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about 2250 B.C. - R. F. Harper (1904)The Cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament Vols. 1 & 2 - E. Schrader (1885)The devils and evil spirits of Babylonia, tr. from the original Cuneiform texts Vols. 1 & 2 - R. C. Thompson (1903)The discovery and decipherment of the trilingual cuneiform inscriptions - A. J. Booth (1902)The earliest version of the Babylonian deluge story and the temple library of Nippur - H. V. Hillprecht (1910)The early Dynasties of Sumer and Akkad - C. J. Gadd (1921)The first Campaign of Sennacherib, King of Assyria, B.C. 705-681, the Assyrian text - S. Smith (1921)The great cylinder inscriptions A (and) B of Gudea, copied from the original clay cylinders of the Telloh Collection preserved in the Louvre Vols. 1 & 2 - I. M. Price (1899)The history of Esarhaddon (son of Sennacherib) King of Assyria, B.C. 681-668 - E. A. Budge (1880)The Jews in Babylonia in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, according to Babylonian inscriptions - S. Daiches (1910)The letters and inscriptions of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about B.C. 2200, to which are added a series of letters of other kings of the First Dynasty of Babylon Vols. 1 & 2 - L. W. King (1898)The oath in Babylonian and Assyrian literature - S. Mercer (1912)The old Babylonian characters and their Chinese derivates - Terrien de Lacouperie (1888)The oldest code of laws in the world; the Code of laws promulgated by Hammurabi, King of Babylon, B.C. 2285-2242 - C. H. Johns (1903)The Origin and Development of Babylonian Writing Vols. 1 & 2 - G. A. Barton (1913)The origins of religion and language, considered in five essays - F. C. Cook (1884)The phonetic values of the cuneiform characters - G. Smith (1871)The populations of the fatherland of Abraham a short account of the populations which came into contact with the Jews, and used the Cuneiform system of writing - G. Bertin (1893)The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum - the original texts, printed in Cuneiform characters Vols. 1 & 2 - R. C. Thompson (1900)The Samas religious texts classified in the British museum catalogue as hymns, prayers, and incantations, with twenty plates of texts hitherto unpublished - C. D. Gray (1901)The seven tablets of creation, or, The Babylonian and Assyrian legends concerning the creation of the world and of mankind Vol. 2 - L. W. King (1902)The Tell Amarna tablets - C. R. Conder (1894)The Tell el-Amarna tablets, in the British Museum; with autotype facsimiles (1892)Ur dynasty tablets, texts chiefly from Tello und Drehem written during the reigns of Dungi, Bur-Sin, Gimil-Sin, and Ibn-Sin - J. B. Nies (1920)Western Asia, according to the most recent discoveries - C. P. Tiele (1893) An absolute must for anyone with an interest in cuneiform, ancient writing and the ancient civilizations of the Near East – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price! Quick Delivery – Free postage within the UK! All of the files are hi-resolution scans presented in pdf format, easy to read on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any modern Kindle / ebook reader that can read pdf files. All files can be printed or transferred between devices. For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free program called Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the USB drive if requested. Please note that this is a portable USB drive that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. 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Non-Fiction Subject: Ancient Cuneiform Texts / Sumerians / Babylonians
Language: English
Subject 2: Cuneiform, Ancient Writing, Sumerian Texts
Time Period: Ancient
Author: Various
Modified Item: No
Subject: Archaeology